Seeking a gentleman. Operative word: GENTLEMAN. Door opener, chair puller outter, flower bringer, etc. I'm a lady, so I'll reciprocate accordingly. Fluid, Funny and Forthright conversation is a powerful aphrodisiac, and real intimacy doesn't always...
Registrati Per Inviare Messaggi!I'm mentally and emotionally thriving and I'm open to meeting someone who is doing the same. Note: I'm a divorced mom of 3 teens who's only interested in dating loving, active, and involved fathers. So, if that's you and you love life, the Lord, and...
Registrati Per Inviare Messaggi!I’m looking for someone who’s ready to live, love & BE HAPPY‼️ Respect is a MUST‼️ I love to travel & I like to ride motorcycles as well‼️ Let’s do this TOGETHER‼️
Registrati Per Inviare Messaggi!Living again after love, relationships and raising a family. Entering a chapter of life where nothing is holding me back. No inhibitions. I am looking for a man who will allow me to rest in my femininity as we grow together.
Registrati Per Inviare Messaggi!I am a humble person who enjoys living life without creating complex..
Registrati Per Inviare Messaggi!My name is Danielle and I'm looking to meet great people that's meant to be in my life
Registrati Per Inviare Messaggi!I am 47, single and looking to meet some great people. I work from home so I don't get out much right now. I'm just trying to making myself visable. This dating thing is rough. I'm open to trying a different experience and seeing where that leads...
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