Single Plainwell Members Interested In Interracial Dating

Looking to find a friend to go out with. If you are social and like going to bars, dinner, or camping we may be a match. Looking to take it slow, but open to a relationship. I like to travel, read, watch movies too. I run a non- profit and I'm very...

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Easy-going, fun loving, outdoorsy.

Év 61 Honnan való? Plainwell, Michigan

Férfi keres Hölgyet

Looking for someone who likes to do things, and is active. And at the same time I don’t mind staying home and watching a movie. I am well rounded in life. I have my own house. And looking for someone who has their life together as well. I am...

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Hey I'll make you laugh

Év 60 Honnan való? Plainwell, Michigan

Férfi keres Hölgyet

I'm the kind of person that likes to go places I'm kind thoughtful hard working I want a woman that's the same kind loving understanding hard working and is family oriented that's why like black because a of them are like that

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