I'm shy but im still a nice person

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Norwich, United Kingdom | Hombre Buscando Mujer

Información Básica

Puedo hablar
Inglés, Alemán
Me describiría a mi mismo como
Uh, hi, I'm Florian...or just Flo is fine, I live in norwich and at the moment i do Manga drawings as a hobby, i did to animation at a univercity for a year and well...i kond of had to drop out for personal reasons, even now im still not what you can call living in my own home...and most likely won't do so in a long while, um...doesn't sound "attractive" of good in any way but at least im honest about it, i'm quite shy too or just plain socialy akward(at least i think so), but aside from that im pretty much a plesant person, kind, or "too kind" as one girl told me so who i used to have a crush on, im single even at 21 but i don't let that bother me much, in all fairness i've never thought of it as much of a big deal to spend most of my teen years endlessly trying to go out with any girl that i can see, i don't even smoke or drink any alcohol, i can pretty much live on chocolate, cakes, you name it and drink chocolate milk or just good old soft drinks, but i don't eat beef very much or pork, aspecialy vegs, i just can't eat that without getting sick from them, a fun fact about me is im 6'2'' tall (not that im trying to brag here i actually don't like being THAT tall) and yet im scared of hights...yeah thats right, i guess i've always been a person who's into anything thats waaay into the word 'different' because personaly i like everything to be different from me because its more fun that way, although i've not been too interested at having a girlfriend i've always found myself being attracted to women who are ether from aisa or from africa...but im not racist(just wona make that clear incase it'll be taken the wrong way), age wise i'm not bothered ether (18 being the youngest i'll go out with if i ever do) and...well yeah, to make it short im not fussed about looks or realy care much on what kind of life-style anyone has and im certantly not the kind of guy that would force another person to like me back when it's not just up to one person on how the other should feel too, i'm fine with just being friends too if thats as far as things will go, to me it's the personality that counts.

I do have interests besides trying to describe what i think of women (or people in general), the other interest, and my only one, is to draw Manga, been drawing since i've been 5 years old, had a high ammount of months off recently for again, personal reasons but i still have lots of paper to draw on or Photoshop once i can get that on my laptop, i'd love to put down what kind of manga im working on but it'll be way more the 4000 letters long to type out, trust me, i've put alot of thought into it.

Other then that thats just about me done, i should also point out that im not quite what you'd think as someone very smart, infact i have learning difficulty with words as you may have guessed in a few wrongly spelled words somewhere within all these words.

uuhh...the end~

Apariencia y Situación

Mi tipo de cuerpo es
Mi altura es
6' 2 (1.88 m)
Mis ojos son
Mi raza es
Mi situación marital es
Tengo hijos
Quiero tener hijos
No estoy seguro
Mi Mejor característica es
Piercings, tatuajes…
Ni me lo pensaría
Mi pelo es
Marrón Oscuro
Tengo uno o más de estos
Sin Mascotas
Me iría a vivir a otro lugar


Mi nivel de estudios / educación es
Diploma Unversidad
Mi situación laboral actual es
Mi especialidad es
Arte / Música / Literatura
Mi trabajo es como
Unemployed at the moment
Mi salario anual es de
Menos de $14,999USD
Vivo en
En casa
Los amigos visitan ocasionalmente
Soy Fumador
Soy Bebedor


En el instituto, era
Socialmente, me describiría como
Amistoso, Observador, Tímido/a, Extraña / Rarezas
Mis aficiones e intereses son
Artes y Manualidades, Familia, Juegos
Mi idea de un rato estupendo es
Salir con amigos, Jugar Video Juegos, Dormir
Mi primera cita ideal sería
I hardly ever plan my day so i'll likely have a hard time with this one, but normaly i just do what others feel like doing on the day.
Siempre he querido probar
There isn't much that i want to do or try as a highlight of my life apart from being around people i know i can call friends (or something more then that)
Mis amigos me describen como

Puntos de Vista

Mi religión es
No soy religioso
Voy a la iglesia
Mi meta en la vida
Is to become a manga artist to proof to myself and everyone else i can do something useful
Mi sentido del humor es
Inteligente, Seco / Sarcástico


En la TV, siempre veo
Dibujos Animados, Comedias de Situación
Si voy al cine, siempre me gusta ver una
Acción, Comedia , Animación
Cuando escucho música, lo que más me gusta es
No me gusta la Música
Cuando leo libros, lo que más me gusta es
Mi idea de diversión es
Just that, fun, to me absolutely everything can be fun...appart from anything thats...well bad obviously.

Estoy buscando a

¿Qué te resulta atractivo?
Sensibilidad, Detallista
¿Qué estás buscando?
¿Qué tipo de relación estás buscando?
No importa