Young & Fit 49

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Calgary, Alberta | Bărbat În căutare de Femeie

Informații de bază

Mă descriu ca
Fit active and attractive SWM. Down to earth, honest and hardworking. Enjoys staying fit by running 16 to 32 k per week and working out 3 times a week. Not a junkie but dedicated to staying in shape and eating right. Good sense of dry humour and enjoys what life has to offer,plus the quiet times as well. Self employed with own home repair and improvement company. Just starting out in last 3 months and doing well already so sky is the limit. Animal lover with a 4.5 year old male and 9 year old female Siberian huskies. Faces life's challenges head on and never quits. Non-smoker, social driinker and drugs are not my style.

Aspect și situația

Tipul corpului meu este
Înălțimea mea este
5' 11 (1.8 m)
Ochii mei sunt
Sunt de etnie
Starea mea civilă este
Niciodată căsătorit(ă)
Am copii
Doresc copii
Nu sunt sigur(ă)
Caracteristica mea cea mai bună este
Body Art
Nici nu m-aș gândi despre așa ceva
Părul meu este
Blond închis
Am mai multe de asta
Pisică, Câine
Dispus să mă mut


Nivelul meu de educație este
Ceva colegiu
Starea mea forței de muncă actuală este
Propria afacere
Specializarea mea este
Construcție / Meserie
Denumirea postului meu de muncă este
Owner-Operator - Home Imp. & Repair
Salariul meu anual este
60,000$ - 74,999$
Eu trăiesc
Liniște totală
Da - sociabil


În liceu am fost
Comportamentul meu social este
Prietenos, De comedie, Deschis
Interesele și hobby-urile mele sunt
Exercitare, Sporturi, Automobile
Distracția bună pentru mine este
Încercarea de lucruri noi, Filmele, La un concert, La un muzeu
O prima întâlnire perfectă ar fi
A stroll through princess island park on a warm Sunday afternoon in the springtime. Dogs with us and just taking the time to talk to get to know each other see if there is chemistry and a mutual attraction.

Maybe Stop by one of the little stands for ice cream or a drink and just enjoy the moment.
Întotdeauna am vrut să încerc
I have always wanted to travel western Europe to see England, France, Spain and down into Italy and even over to Greece.
Prietenii mei mă descriu ca


Religia mea este
Spiritual dar nu religios
Particip la servicii
O dată pe an
Genul meu de umor este
Deștept, Sec / Sarcastic, Ridicol


La TV întotdeauna mă uit la
Drame, Comedii, Filme, Sporturi
Când mă duc la filme, mereu merg pentru a vedea
Acțiune, Științifico-fantastic, Comedie , Dramă, Animație, De aventuri
Când ascult muzică, mereu ascult
Pop , Blues , Jazz , Soul
Când citesc, eu citesc
Vechi, Auto-biografie, Istorie, Instruire, Referință, Sporturi
Distracția pentru mine este
It can be just about anything. Movies, out with friends and times just the two of you. There is always so much to do in a city this size. Go to the park with a couple of books, the dogs, lunch and a blanket and spend the afternoon under a tree. Hiking in the Mtns or out on the go cart track pretending to be Mario

În căutare de

Ce vi se pare atractiv?
Inteligență, Frumusețe, Sensibilitate
Ce căutați?
I hope she will be someone of character and doesn't play games. She is grounded, emotionally mature, VOID OF DRAMA, self aware and down to earth. She believes in honesty and straight forwardness in a relationship, but knows where to draw the line, is sensitive to others and has no hidden anger issues. She is romantic at heart with a passionate soul, loves to laugh and is her own person.

She does not consider past relationships failures, has honestly healed from their effects and moving forward with her life. She believes arguments are fruitless and only lead to hurt and anguish, not closeness or tenderness. She is intelligent, independent, enjoys her career, as well as, being positive and happy with life. She stays active by working out, playing sports or walking/running and just likes being outside when the weather is nice. She has confidence in her abilities, but with minimum ego and has depth to her soul.

She is a NON smoker, no more than a social drinker and drugs are not he
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