Poz, undetectable,healthy, masc. bottom

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San Diego, California | Mann Suche eine/n Mann

Basis Information

Ich kann sprechen
Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als
Younger looking 58 year old gay guy, MASCULINE BOTTOM. HIV+, UNDETECTABLE, HEALTHY, EMPLOYED Nurse and most of all HAPPY. Important things you need to know, but there's more to me then that. I'm a little shy but not a total introvert and can express my opinions gently. Learning my way around the gym-don't have a gym body, but not overweight-currently achieving one hour on the stationary bike and stretching out my back afterwards(recently lost 40 pounds). Love to walk. Really want to tone it up. I consider myself a hard working average Joe,easy going, lay back and quiet kind of guy-- but I'm also passionate. My favorite colors are yellow, purple, red, brown and gray. I love the sounds of the beach and the wind and the smell of lavender. I have a soft spot in my heart for people are waiters-waitresses, nurses, first responders, military people, law enforcement and teachers(such challenging jobs). Speaking of jobs, I am a nurse in a busy,fast paced,chameleon Cardiac Cath Lab-meaning that I'm part of a team that is present to keep a patient safe and comfortable while the doctor is placing a stent inside a patient's blocked heart artery(s). I'm out(not in your face) and proud at my job. I'm a masculine Bottom. Love, love hand holding,romance and being romanced, being into you and being into us. I'm a great kisser,affectionate,into monagamy big time,not afraid of intimacy and very loyal. I'm a very light social drinker. Interests include:Great singers(Streisand, Sarah Vaughn, Karen Carpenter,Jessay Norman, Joan Sutherland, Luther Vandross, Ella-just to name a few). Architecture(Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard Nuetra, mid-century, craftsman styles and grand old cathedrals-especially in Europe). Love classical organ music, music in general, opera, theater(love Hamilton, Wicked and Phantom of the Opera)., T.V.(favorites are the original Law and Order, Big Bang Theory, classic T.V.). Films(current, classics and foreign.,TCM fan). You are a man(race open-I'm an equal opportunity type of man lover) who can accept the issue of me being a healthy HIV undetectable(or who is in the same situation as I am) as indicated per my profile title. You must be a TOP(I'm a masculine bottom) and a great kisser(essential) with some or all of the same interest,qualities and have a great outlook on life. I am looking for a man who has the ego to embrace monogamy, romantic and old-fashioned. A man who is not afraid to be affectionate. Someone who believes in open and honest communication and can do so in an constructive way without being rude. Someone who is also not afraid to cry and not afraid of intimacy. My basic philosophy on relationships is that everyone is broken inside and not perfect. We work around or with those imperfections or do some homework and change if those imperfections are impactful. Communication is key rather it's positive or constructive criticism. Emotionally, I will show up and step up to the plate. When I'm wrong(remember, we are not perfect), it's easy for me to say "I'm wrong" and "I'm sorry". Born in New Orleans. Grew up in L.A.(father and sister live in L.A. and I visit there frequently). Willing to date someone who lives in L.A. or Palm Springs. San Diego resident since 1992. Thanks for reading my profile. My photos are recent(yours should be too-don't mind seeing how you look now) and labeled with dates. Pictures without sunglasses look better. Take care and be well! NO DRUGS!!

Erscheinung & Situation

Mein Körpertyp ist
Meine Größe ist
6' 1 (1.85 m)
Meine Augen sind
Meine Herkunft ist
Mein Familienstand ist
Ich habe Kinder
Mein Haar ist
Ich habe ein oder mehrere folgende Haustiere
Keine Haustiere
Bereit umzuziehen


Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist
Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist
Meine Spezialität ist
Medizin / Gesundheit
Mein Job-Titel ist
Registered Nurse
Ich lebe
Alles ist ruhig
Ich bin Raucher
Ich trinke
Ja - Sozial


In der Hauptschule war ich
Mein soziales Verhalten ist
Reserviert, Schüchtern, Aufmerksam, Freundlich
Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind
Essen gehen, Trainieren, Musik, TV, Filme, Theater, Autos
Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist
Mit Freunden ausgehen, Daheim bleiben, Filme, Entspannen, In ein Konzert gehen
Ein ideales erstes Date wäre
A relaxing quiet cafe or restaurant where we can hear each other and allow us to be ourselves and or be nervous. Maybe we can walk around the area afterwards.
Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als
Freundlich, Jemand, der sie sein wollen, Cool


Meine Religion ist
Spirituell aber nicht religiös
Mein Ziel im Leben ist
Maintain health and happiness.
Mein Art Humor ist
Clever, Freundlich


Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an
Nachrichten, Dokumentationen, Dramen, Situations-Komödien, Filme, Sport, Wiederholungen
Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer
Action, Science Fiction, Comedy, Romanze, Drama, Dokumentation, Familie
Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer
Pop, Klassik, Blues, Jazz, Soul
Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer
Nachrichten, Gesundheit, Anleitungen, Bezug
Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist
See basic information

Suche nach

Was findest du attraktiv?
Sensibilität, Einfühlungsvermögen, Nachdenklich
Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du?
Vertrauter, Verpflichtendes, Heirat